Mallow flowers for Tea + Hollyhooks / Malven zum Tee + und Stockrosen

Welcome for Tea Time. I will show you over the next weeks some healthy flowers for tea.
This plant is a Màlva àlcea, also called musk mallow, which grows here. 

Willkomen zur Teestunde.Ich werde euch über die nächsten Wochen einige Teepflanzen vorstellen.
Diese hier ist die Màlva àlcea, auch Rosenmalve genannt, die hier wächst.


From mallow flowers one can make a nice tea.

Von Malvenblüten kann man einen guten Tee machen. 


We drink in Germany Hibiscus-Tea and this tea is well known around the world. Hibiscus tea is made from  the roselle plant (Hibiscus sabdariffa), which is very different but also from the Malvaceae family, as the flower pot Hibiscus is also.

Hier in Deutschland trinken wir Hibiscus-Tee, der allerdings von der Roselle-Pflanze stammt, die ziemlich anders aussieht, aber auch aus der Familie Malvaceae stammt, wie unsere Topfpflanze Hibiscus. 


Hot water will set the flavour free.

Heißes Wasser setzt das Aroma frei.


Please, take a cup of this delicious tea.

Bitte, nimm doch eine Tasse von diesem leckeren Tee.


Those are hollyhooks in the monastry garden Seligenstadt/Germany.They belong also to the Malvaceae family.

Das sind einfache Stockrosen (Stockmalven) aus dem Klostergarten Seligenstadt. Die gehören auch zu den Malvengewächsen.


Lovely colors!
Wunderschöne Farben!

This post is linked in the following blog party's:

Tea Cup Tuesday


Wish you a wonderful week.
Ich wünsche euch eine schöne Woche.



Sara von Buelsdorf hat gesagt…
Ein schöner Post und eine tolle Idee, den Tee bzw. die Pflanze vorzustellen!

Liebe Nachtgrüße
Birgitt hat gesagt…
...die Stockrosen sind wunderschön, liebe Johanna,
da muss ich in meinem Garten noch was tun, denn bisher habe ich nur eine Farbe,
kann man die auch für Tee verwenden?

Malventee habe ich früher bei meiner Oma immer getrunken und fand die Farbe immer so schön, muss ich direkt mal wieder probieren...

liebe Grüße von Birgitt
luna hat gesagt…
Toll, Dein Post, die Stockrosen mag ich sehr, habe auch viele im Garten, Malven selber hatte ich auch schon.
Das Austrocknen der Pflanzen in Töpfen kann man etwas bremsen, wenn man Rasenschnitt als Mulch auf die Erde gibt, das hält die Feuchtigkeit länger in den Töpfen.
LG von Luna und schönen Sommerbeginn!
Dearest Johanna,

What a lovely post! And besides those Malva flowers I especially love those Hollylocks. In Dutch we say Stokroos, like your Stockrose in German but in English it is called quite different. Here in Georgia, some 4 hours to the north there is a lovely city Madison and when they do their tour of homes, we once got to a very old home with authentic garden from the 19th century as well; full of Hollylocks. What a show.

Lots of love,

Sarah hat gesagt…
Beautiful garden! The colors of those flowers are stunning.
Hello Johanna,
Your tea looks delicious and what a divine colour it is! I love this time of year with the flowers all out and beautifying our world. Thanks for sharing and joining me for tea. It's a pleasure having you, my friend.

Anonym hat gesagt…
Hi Johanna, What beautiful flowers and I have grown many of these beauties here in Georgia, USA! The tea looks very delicious. Always a pleasure to visit with you for tea.
Anonym hat gesagt…
I love tea! Beautiful flowers and photos dear Johanna!
Have a nice week.
alice hat gesagt…
wow, bist du gerade fleissig!

Ich bewundere dich immer wieder, wie du all die Blumen und Pflanzen beim Namen kennst. Ich sehe solche Blumen immer und überall, wusste aber nicht, wie sie heissen, obwohl ich den Namen natürlich schon oft gehört habe. Danke!

Und nun nehm ich mir gerne ein Tässchen Tee, bitte mit Zucker!

Lieben Gruss, Alice
Hi Johanna
I used to grow musk mallow in the garden but it has disappeared. I should buy some seeds for next year as I really liked it.
The hibiscus tea you're serving today makes a deep coloured tea and I would love to try a cup.
La hat gesagt…
OH, the tea is such a beautiful color.
Pondside hat gesagt…
What beautiful flowers! We don't have hollyhocks at Pondside, but we do have Mallow and I love it! In the past, the deer ate all my plants, but now that we have a deer fence I can grow all that I like!
orchid0324 hat gesagt…
Hellow, this is Orchid♪
Thank you for stoppig by to my blog. I am so happy because I never have friend from Germany.
Your hibiscus tea seems really nice, I wonder how the taste is. Pictures are beautiful and wonderful as well.
Oh yes, learning foreign language is sure hard!!! I am worried about making mistakes and taking time to write my blog ^^;)

From Japan, hugs Orchid.
Concetta hat gesagt…
What a beautiful post! I believe I have the same teacup - or atleast extremely similar! I just love that teacup - so elegant!
I also love the picture with the flowers draped across the book!
Snap hat gesagt…
Such beautiful flowers and color. Love all the pink .. including the hibiscus tea! Happy Tea Day!
Pamela Gordon hat gesagt…
Beautiful! We have musk mallow and hollyhocks here in Canada too. Hollyhocks are an old farmhouse standard, always growing by a wall or outbuilding. Happy summer to you! Pamela in Canada
FABBY'S LIVING hat gesagt…
I love the hollyhocks, we have them here too, specially now, usually crawling on windows and walls, they're so pretty! Thank you for the hibiscus tea, as always it's so nice at your place with lovely cups. Beautiful pictures, Johanna, I love that monastery you're showing. Love, FABBY
Terri hat gesagt…
Thank you for showing up two tea plants that many of us do not know. It is fun to learn new things.
I love the collage photo of your tea brewing!
The hollyhocks are gorgeous! I always wanted to grow them.
Celestina Marie hat gesagt…
Hi Johanna,
You always share such great and interesting info along with tea. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
The hollyhocks are gorgeous and the colors just divine.
Love the pic of your tea brewing in the darling cup.

Have a wonderful day and thank you for stopping by today for tea.
Hugs from Texas, Celestina Marie
Donna@Conghaile Cottage hat gesagt…
Thank you for sharing this with us Johanna! I never knew those beautiful flowers could make TEA! I LOVE your photographs, they are SO Beautiful too!!! I LOVE hollyhocks and don't have ANY..."YET"!!! I will though one day. I need to rearrange for them, hehe!
Have a wonderful week,
Big Hugs
Beth hat gesagt…
Hi Johanna, I love your tea photos - they are stunning and so colorful! I enjoyed your hollyhock pics too. Really pretty! Have a wonderful day, Johanna!
Blessings, Beth
Anonym hat gesagt…
Hallo Johanna
Dank dieses Post's habe ich endlich den Namen der Blumen die bei uns gerade blühen "Malven" ich bin doch nicht mehr drauf gekommen , jaja das Alter ;-). Ich liebe Stockrosen sehr , hatte aber bisher nicht so richtig Glück mit Ihnen hoffentlich klappt's mit den Schönheiten im Naschgarten. Du bist fleißig am posten und ich hoffen es geht Dir gut!!!
Einen gemütlichen Abend wünsche ich Dir und einen Schmatzer für Wiski - nicht von mir Du weißt schon von wem
Joan hat gesagt…
I love hollyhocks! I just keep forgetting to plant them! When I was a little girl, we made dolls out of them. The bloom was the dress and the tight unopened bud was the head. Your post brought back memories! Have a wonderful week.
Lynn hat gesagt…
Sorry I am so late at visiting. Love the beautiful Hollyhocks. So many beautiful colors. Hibiscus tea? Florida has so many hibiscus shrubs and trees but did not realize there was a hibiscus tea. Love the color. Wonder what it tastes like. Mild. Since I think of the hibiscus blossom as "delicate", I think the tea would be a mild blend. Have to look in the health store to see if I can find some. Thank you for sharing.
Donna Heber hat gesagt…
Hi Johanna,

What a lovely post for Tea in the Garden. The hollyhocks and mallow are gorgeous! I have never seen that type of tea before - very interesting. Thank you for sharing with us.
Bernideen hat gesagt…
These Hollyhocks are wonderful - so tall - I hope mine get going here! This post is so lovely and all the tea information most helpful! Thank you Johanna!
Rizzi hat gesagt…
Martha hat gesagt…
I've always loved the color of Hibiscus tea.