Mach es wie die Sonnenuhr.... / Do it like the sundial...

Mach es wie die Sonnenuhr, zähl die heit'ren Stunden nur. 
Die Sonne scheint gerade wieder einmal. Lasst uns die sonnigen Stunden nutzen für eine Kaffeepause auf der Veranda. 

In Germany we have a saying: "Do it like the sundial, count only the sunny hours."
The sun is shining now again. Let us take advantage of the sunshine and have a coffee break on the porch.


Ich habe einen ganz besonders geformten Gugelhupf gebacken. Die Backform ist aus dickem Kupfer. Wir haben sie 2001 in Italien im Urlaub gekauft. Darüber berichte ich am Freitag.

Geschirr und Tischwäsche:

I baked a very special shaped Gugelhupf-Cake. The baking mold is from heavy copper. We bought it 2001 in Italy during a holiday visit. About this I will report on Friday.


Auch das Kuchenrezept ist ganz besonders. Der Kuchen ist besonders saftig und fruchtig, weil in den dunklen Teig Pflaumenmus kommt. Wer ihn nachbacken möchte, findet im Shop das Rezept kostenlos zum Ausdrucken: Gugelhupf mit Pflaumenmus.  

Also the cake recipe is very special. This cake is really moist and fruity because in the dark part of cake is plum jam. You will find the free printable recipe now in the Shop "Guglhupf with plum jam").


I will link in those Blogparties:

  Tea Time Tuesday/Dienstags-Teeparty bei 

Friends Sharing Tea on Wednesday/
Freundschaftstee donnnerstags bei


Es war nett, dass Du mich besucht hast. Ich hoffe, Kaffee und Kuchen haben dir geschmeckt. 
Nice, that you visited me. I hope, you liked coffee and cake.

Schöne Grüße/Best greetings,



Elisabeth Palzkill hat gesagt…
Liebe Johanna,

es hat ausgezeichnet geschmeckt.
Da brauche ich heute kein Abendbrot mehr.

Einen guten Abend wünscht dir
Michele M./ Finch Rest hat gesagt…
Welcome back, tea sister friend!

Your respite and delicious cake is just lovely, very summery and nice!
Good afternoon Johanna,
How lovely to have you join me for tea today! I know you are busy so I am pleased you could stop by. Your tea looks wonderful. The red and white is very fresh. Your cake looks delicious with the plum jam! Would love a slice with tea!
As always, you leave the sweetest comments; thank you! Have a lovely week, my friend.

Pamela Gordon hat gesagt…
Hello Johanna! How are you? I would love to join you for coffee cake and coffee on your patio. The red and white gingham is very sweet. Have a wonderful week! Blessings, Pamela
Snap hat gesagt…
Johanna, the cake looks delicious. I love red and white checks! The design always makes me smile! Happy Tea/Coffee Day!
Birgitt hat gesagt…
...da setz ich mich gern dazu, liebe Johanna,
und dann schau ich mir mal das Rezept an, denn das klingt sehr lecker...

lieber Gruß von Birgitt
die Waldfee Moni hat gesagt…
Liebe Johanna,

mein absoluter Lieblingskuchen den ich als Kind schon sehr gemocht habe.
Und an solch einem hübsch sommerlich gedekten Tisch schmeckt es doppelt gut!
Das war hervorragend.

Liebste Grüße,
Hello Johanna
I've missed you for tea but am happy to join you for cake and coffee this week.
I hope you get more days of sunshine to enjoy the outdoors.
Kiekplaotiesenzo hat gesagt…
It looks verry good!!mmmmm. groet Diny
Antiques And Teacups hat gesagt…
Hi Johanna. Your terrace is lovely! I love the cross stitched napkins. The cake looks delicious!
Lynn hat gesagt…
'Count only the sunny hours', I like that! Your cake looks great Johanna, I look forward to hearing about it-enjoy:@)
Beth hat gesagt…
Hi Johanna, I like your porch and your table setting is pretty - love the reds! Your cake looks delicious, Johanna. Have a wonderful week!
Hi Johanna, I love your red and white table and the cake looks wonderful!!! I love the "do it like the sundial" quote.
Two Cottages And Tea hat gesagt…
What a darling table you set. I love your checked tablecloth and napkins with a mug to match. I too, love to count only the sunny hours! Have a wonderful week.
Betty Stapleton hat gesagt…
Love red and white gingham, very summery. Your cake looks delicious and your napkins are so pretty. thank you for sharing...
Betty Stapleton hat gesagt…
Love red and white gingham, very summery. Your cake looks delicious and your napkins are so pretty. thank you for sharing...
Sarah hat gesagt…
Johanna, I always enjoy a coffee with you on your sunny porch. Love the red check details@
Dearest Johanna,

That was a lovely presentation with a yummy Gugelhopf. Let's hope that the sunny days will stay for a while so you can do this more often!
Hugs and love to you,
Micupoftea hat gesagt…
Hello! The cake sounds wonderful...and what a cheery checked setting. Happy August!
Hey Johanna,

schicke mal ein paar Sommergrüße rüber...

PuNo / Monika
FABBY'S LIVING hat gesagt…
Oh yummy! I want a piece of that delish looking marmolade cake, please..and in your setting outdoors as well. Thank you..Happy summer lovely lady Johanna. Thank you for your sweet comments..I actually get excited everytime I add dishes to my collection, but these are so difficult to find in this part of the world, so I'm excited for sure, lol..Hugs,
Bernideen hat gesagt…
First of all - I love this cake and make a similar one myself! Thanks so much for your faithfully linking to my Tea In The Garden! We are friends across the miles!