Tablescape-Thursday - Flieder / Lilac

Welcome for Tablescape Thursday with our hostess, Susan at Between Naps on the Porch.


The lilac blooms and will delight us only for a short time. Because I have many lilac bushes in the yard, I wanted to use it for the table decoration of our Sunday Tea. And when I looked through my cabinets, what could fit, I found this incredible tablecloth with cream fond (Pic. 1). I actually almost never used it.

Bild 1/ Pic. 1

Der Flieder blüht und wird uns nur eine kurze Zeit erfreuen. Da ich im Garten viele Fliederbüsche habe, wollte ich gerne für unseren Sonntagstee einen Tisch damit dekorieren. Und als ich meine Schränke durchsah, was noch dazu passt, fiel mir diese unglaubliche Tischdecke mit cremefarbenem Grund in die Hände (Bild 1). Ich benutze sie eigentlich fast nie.

My mother has it embroidered in cross stitch. The pattern presentation was black and white and each cross was marked with a symbol for the color. The pattern is repeated four times, of course, mirrored accordingly. How many colors are the different flowers have, one can see well in the enlargement of this small violet (Pic. 2). Seven different colors only for such a little flower. The impression of the colors is terrific. Burgundy, purple and violet shades dominate and this fits nicely with the lilac.

Bild 2/ Pic. 2

Meine Mutter hat sie im Kreuzstich bestickt. Die Vorlage war schwarz-weiß und zum Auszählen, jedes Kreuz ist mit einem Symbol für die Farbe gekennzeichnet. Das Muster wiederholt sich vier Mal, natürlich entsprechend gespiegelt. Wieviele Farben diese einzelnen Blüten haben, kann man an der Vergrößerung dieses kleinen Veilchens gut sehen (Bild 2). Sieben verschiedene Farben alleine für ein so ein kleines Blümchen. Die Farbwirkung ist grandios. Weinrot, Purpur und Violett dominieren und das passt wunderbar zu dem Flieder.

I made a blueberry cream cheese cake, and the color fits very well to it. The china is Royal Albert (United Kingdom), the pattern is called "Lavender Rose". Since I have neither the matching tea pot nor the milk + sugar set, I use this silver plated set in Queen Anne-style, which I have bought once on ebay. (Pic. 3)

Bild 3/ Pic. 3

Ich hatte eine Heidelbeer-Käse-Sahne-Torte gemacht, auch die passt farblich ganz gut dazu. Das Porzellan ist von Royal Albert (Großbritannien), das Muster heißt "Lavender Rose". Da ich weder eine Teekanne noch das Milch + Zucker-Set dazu habe, benutze ich dazu ein versilbertes Set im Queen Anne-Stil, das ich einmal über ebay gekauft habe.

(Bild 3)

I have arranged the lilac with Oasis floral foam under the pie plate. The cake decoration is made from blueberries, lemon balm and three horned violet flowers. (Pic. 4)

Bild 4/ Pic. 4

Den Flieder habe ich mit Steckmoos unter der Tortenplatte arrangiert. Die Tortenverzierung ist aus Heidelbeeren, Zitronenmelisse und drei Hornveilchenblüten. (Bild 4)

Also on ebay I have come to this cutlery (Pic. 5). The manufacturer was Philip Stöhrle in Pforzheim. In the enlargement you can see the stylized and elegantly curved petals. It almost looks like Art Nouveau. Especially beautiful is the delicate cake server. If you consider that any opening had to be reworked by one! More informations about such flatware with rose handle you can get with the book "Rosen-Bestecke"

Bild 5/ Pic. 5

Ebenfalls über ebay bin ich zu diesem Besteck gekommen (Bild 5). Der Hersteller war Philipp Stöhrle in Pforzheim. In der Vergrößerung kann man die stilisierten und elegant geschwungenen Rosenblätter sehen. Es sieht fast wie Jugendstil aus. Besonders schön ist auch der filigrane Tortenheber. Wenn man bedenkt, dass jeder Durchbruch einzeln nachgearbeitet werden musste! Viele interessante Informationen zu diesen besonderen Bestecken mit Rosengriff findet man in meinem Buch "Rosen-Bestecke" auf

Philip Stöhrle has stamped his silverware with this mark (Pic. 6).

Bild 6/ Pic. 6

Philipp Stöhrle hat seine Silberwaren mit dieser Punze gestempelt (Bild 6).


That's the Tablescape of today. I hope, you liked it. You should also visit Susan from BNOTP and the other participants, who are linked on her blog. It is so interesting.

So das war der heutige Tabelscape-Donnerstag. Ich hoffe, es hat euch gefallen. Ihr solltet auch Susan von

und die anderen Teilnehmer besuchen, die auf ihrem Blog verlinkt sind. Es ist so interessant.

Schöne Grüße/greetings,


Heidi hat gesagt…
Vielen grusse Johanna!
That is a lovely table. The cloth is divine, such intricate and beautiful needlework. My mother (Ursula, von Meiningen!) did wonderful work like that. I inherited some of her pieces when she died 3 years ago and I treasure them. We had those exact same forks and serving pieces - we used them at each tea party and birthday gathering. I always loved them, they are so delicate and the roses on them are really special. I will have to search for them the next time I visit my father.
Thanks for visiting, I hope you'll come back soon. (BTW - I just reunited, via e-mail, with my German cousin in Coburg. We had lost touch for years. It was wonderful to find her, and now we send emails and pictures back and forth. I miss Deutschland!)
Heidi - Heart and Home
Hi Johanna -

This is so very lovely, you did a splendid job!
The tablecloth is especially beautiful and brings out all the other details. And your dessert! I'll have a LARGE piece, thank you!

Candy @ The Little Round Table
Hi Johanna, love your name by the way. That is a beautiful table scape you did. I love the table cloth it's beautiful! your mother did a wonderful job.
Lynn hat gesagt…
Wow, that tablecloth is spectacular! And I'd love the cheesecake! Very pretty!
Kathleen hat gesagt…
The tablecloth is just fabulous! What pretty pieces you have..just lovely!
The cake looks so delicious!
Tricia hat gesagt…
Oh, this is gorgeous! What a treasure your cross-stitched tablecloth is -- just exquisite! I love the way you've arranged the lilacs beneath your scrumptious-looking blueberry cheesecake. Just lovely! That china is perfect for the tablescape, too.
The Southern Belle hat gesagt…
Oh, Joanna, what beauty you have displayed in your home. You mother's handiwork on the tablecloth, your magnificent cake in the bed of lilacs--all so appealing to the eye and the appetite. You did an amazing job this week!
Mid-Atlantic Martha hat gesagt…
This is beautiful -- I can imagine the hours your mother worked on the tablecloth -- I know that you must treasure it.
a quiet life hat gesagt…
so pretty and your cake is gorgeous!
jninecostumes hat gesagt…
The tablecloth is amazing. Such delicate work. Your whole table is beautiful, including the dessert. I will be looking for that pattern of china. I love purple.
Maryrose hat gesagt…
Schöne Grüße Johanna...did I do it right?
Your table is lovely. Your mother's tablecloth is a work of art, and I'm sure will be a treasured heirloom in your family. Your cheesecake is gorgeous and so pretty with the lilacs.
Enjoy your day.
Marigene hat gesagt…
Johanna, you are so fortunate to have that beautiful tablecloth that your mother must have spent hours embroidering...just so beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us.
The Charm of Home hat gesagt…
Wow! Johanna,
This is just gorgeous! I love your china and silver. The cake looks amazing. The tablecloth your Mother made is stunning! What a beautiful job she did on that.
Beautiful table. I cannot believe that tablecloth was cross stitched. That was a lot of work. That blueberry cheesecake looks really good.
dee dee hat gesagt…
How beautiful! Your tablecloth is marvelous. I love the wonderful detail!
Dee Dee
~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ hat gesagt…
Hello Joan,
Beautiful tablecloth and table. Your Mother did a lovely job stitching the cloth it is stunning! Your cake looks delicious.
~ ~ ~ ~ Ahrisha
Martha hat gesagt…
Very pretty tablecloth and how special!!!! Love the cake and the decorations on top -- love using herbs and flowers! It's a very very pretty table.

Would love to sit down and have tea with you.
Bella's Rose Cottage hat gesagt…
Hi Johanna... What a beautiful table! Your Mothers tablecloth is stunning & your cake looks so delicious:-)
Abi's Blog hat gesagt…
What a beautiful treasure your tablecloth is! I love the lilacs, too. I can almost smell them. I think it is too hot and dry here for them - my grandmother had some years ago, but I have tried and can't get them to grow. Everything about your table is lovely.
Domestic Diva hat gesagt…
Beautful the table - love the silverware. Thanks for visiting! You commented that you would like help with bigger pics on your blog -my sister Dawn said she would help you - just give her a buzz....
Your mother's tablecloth is such a beautiful family heirloom. The table is lovely. Thanks for sharing!
Sarah hat gesagt…
Johanna, I'm so happy I've discovered your blog. You always have something beautiful to share, and I always learn from you. Your mother's hand work is amazing. I know you appreciate this priceless piece of work.
Lana Kim White Austin hat gesagt…
Oh, the lilacs/cake and all the colors are just sublime@!!! Wonderful!

vignette design hat gesagt…
Hi Johanna,
I love your cross stitch tablecloth and the lilacs are just stunning. And your silver and china is beautiful. Your cake looks delicious too. Everything looks wonderful.
Carol at Serendipity hat gesagt…
The tablecloth is absolutely beautiful and you are so fortunate to still have it. I have some of my mother's tea cloths but nothing as intricate.
The cheese cake looks delicious. Very pretty setting.

xinex hat gesagt…
Your tablecloth is the prettiest that I have ever seen, Johanna. Your tablescape is fabulous!...Christine
Anita Diaz hat gesagt…
Gorgeous!! That tablecloth is breathtaking!! And your silver pieces are stunning. Beautiful table!!
This is so pretty and spring-like! What a wonderful tablecloth that your mother did! Wow! That must have taken a long time to make. It's utterly gorgeous.
I love the colors too; it looks so lovely with the wonderful, very delicious blueberry cheesecake!
Lori Lucas hat gesagt…
That table is just beautiful. I cannot believe the detail work in that tablecloth. It is wonderful. Your flowers and CHEESECAKE make it a perfect tablescape.
september cottage hat gesagt…
Hallo Johanna!!!!

Du machst Dir immer SO viel Arbeit!!! Und ich frage mich dann immer, wo laesst sie all das Geschirr? Du musst RIESEIGE Schraenke haben!!!! GANZ besonders gut gefiel mir die Torte mit Flieder - SO huebsch!!! (Allerding moechte ich mich hier an dieser Stelle kurz beschweren, LECKERE Torte und KEIN Rezept, also!!! Magst Du es teilen, Dein Rezept?)

Bin durch Zufall ueber einen blog gestolpert (
bei dem ich and Dich denken musste - ich koennte mir vorstellen, dass das "your cup of tea' ist , vielleicht kennst Du ihn schon...?

Ganz liebe Gruesse und ein schoenes Wochenende!!

Kelly hat gesagt…
What a wonderful tablecloth. I can't even imagine how much time that took to sew.
Kelly Bookend Diaries
Lebenszeit hat gesagt…
Liebe Johanna,
was für ein zauberhafte Frühlingstisch. Die Tischdecke ist der Megahit !!! Wer macht sich heute noch so viel Mühe. Ganz traumhaft...da möche man gerne mal ein Stück von dem lecker aussehenden Kuchen und ein Tässchen Kaffee trinken.
Sehr einladend !
Liebe Grüße Rita
D.B. hat gesagt…
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! That table cloth is amazing! A real treasure.
Debbiedoos hat gesagt…
That table cloth is stunning, such intricate work and detail. SOmething to always cherish. Your dishes are very pretty too! Thanks for stopping by. Debbie
Magdalena hat gesagt…
Your tablecloth is gorgeous!! I would love one, do you have any for sale!! The cake is stunning. You are so creative. Thank you so much for visiting my blog.
Miss Merry hat gesagt…
Your tablecloth is stunning! Lilacs are my favorite flower and this is one of my favorite tablescapes. Lovely!
Your tablecloth is beautiful. My mother also did such work and I am fortunate to have many of her pieces. I love the way you have displayed the cheesecake... appetizing to the eye as well as the palate. Very nice!
What an inspiration you are! Just beautiful!
Dena Pickle hat gesagt…
Everything is beautiful, I love the table cloth. And the cake looks too pretty to eat.
Hello Johanna, What a beautiful table. You are so blessed to have your mother’s cross-stitched tablecloth. I can't imagine how long it must have taken her to complete it, her work is lovely. I had never thought to display flowers under a desert or pie/cake the way you did. Lilacs are yet to bloom here; it is to cold in the east. It won't be long though. I'd love a piece of your pretty blueberry cheesecake, looks delicious. Thank you for visiting my Tablescape Thursday for my Italian Dinner. Your kind comment is greatly appreciated. I hope you have a wonderful evening/day!
Americana Lady hat gesagt…
What an exquisite tablecloth, such workmanship! The centerpiece with the lilacs fit in so well too! Joan
Anonym hat gesagt…
Guten Morgen Johanna
Ein Traum Deine Deko, die Torte(sieht übrigens sehr lecker aus) so schön einzurahmen, eine Idee die ich gerne aufgreifen werde. Das Highlight ist für mich die Tischdecke , welch' eine Geduld muss Deine Mutter dafür aufgebracht habe - bis ins kleinste Detail die Farben zu verarbeiten.
Lg Ina
Scribbler hat gesagt…
Sorry to be so late getting to your beautiful table! The tablecloth is spectacular and a true family heirloom. The cake looks delicious and almost too pretty to cut into.

Nancy's Daily Dish hat gesagt…
Oh my, that is the most exquisite tablecloth! It is so beautiful and the dessert looks delicious! I love your colors!
Rettabug hat gesagt…
Absolutely gorgeous, Johanna! Your mother's embroidery is exquisite & your picked the perfect treat for your centerpiece. BEAUTIFUL!

We just planted a lilac tree near our deck & gazebo. I can't wait for it to bloom!!
alice hat gesagt…
wow, 46 Kommentare schon.....

Ich rieche förmlich den Flieder.....der Tisch ist wieder wunderschön gedeckt und ich kann mich nur immer wiederholen: Du hast so schöne Dinge und ich finds toll, dass du sie uns alle nach und nach zeigst.
Ich bin schon wieder gespannt auf die nächste Tischdekoration!
Liebe Grüsse und ein schönes Wochenende
Tea in Texas hat gesagt…
Your tablecloth cross-stitched by your Mother is absolutely beautiful. You can see all the wonderful hand work and lovely colors. Your very tempting cheesecake does compliment the colors in the tablecloth. I really love your pattern Lavender Rose by Royal Albert china. I always enjoy your table and great descriptions of the settings and centerpiece. Pam!
Unknown hat gesagt…
Your tablecloth is stunning, and the lilac is beautiful. I have to try to get one planted this year. You have a wonderful blog, thanks for sharing all your wonderful creativity with the rest of us. Loved the tea set and the silver, beautiful pattern. Sorry I am so late in getting back to you, prom for my daughter is this week as well as track meets, so it seems I am chasing myself. Thanks for stopping by, visit anytime. Talk soon.